Siemens Automation
SILIZED ПЛАВКАЯ ВСТАВКА ДЛЯ ЗАЩИТЫ ПОЛУПРОВОДНИКОВ 400В ТИПОРАЗМЕР D02, 35A SILIZED 5SE semiconductor fuses protect power semiconductors from the effects of short circuits. As an important component of the SENTRON protective components for electronic installations, the SILIZED fuse system from Siemens provides effective protection for personnel, equipment and plants with reliable shutdown in the event of an overload or short circuit. The area of application also includes frequency converters with fuses in the input circuit and in the DC link and also UPS systems and soft-starters for motors. Key features of the Siemens SITOR fuses: 1. Extremely fast-acting switch-off characteristic compared to conventional LV HRC fuses. 2. Available as DIAZED and NEOZED. 3. Power semiconductors are also reliably protected in the event of a short-circuit. 4. The Siemens quality standard ensures very good characteristic curve accuracy. Siemens offers a comprehensive portfolio of protection, switching, measuring and monitoring devices, distribution boards as well as switches and sockets for safe and efficient electrical infrastructure in buildings and industry.

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