Источник бесперебойного питания (ИБП) Siemens Automation 6EP1933-2EC41;
SITOP DC-UPS 15 CAPACITOR, БАЗОВОЕ УСТРОЙСТВО ИБП С 2,5 КВТС, ВХОД: =24 В, ВЫХОД =24 В/15 A, IP 20, 0-60 C, С USB-ИНТЕРФЕЙСОМ The SITOP UPS500S with 100% maintenance-free capacitors is the optimal addition to all 24 V power supplies. It provides buffering for brief power failures over minutes. The time is generally sufficient, for example, to safely shut down PC-based automation systems or to visualize and archive operating data when extended power failures occur. The USB interface and a free software tool enable easy communication with the PC. The capacitors themselves have a very long service life even at very high temperatures and can be used in ambient temperatures up to 60 °C. No maintenance or replacement of the energy storage unit is necessary, which means that the DC UPS pays for itself after just a short time. And because the capacitors emit no gas, there is no need for control cabinet air extraction. Short charging times quickly restore the buffer readiness after a power failure. The UPS500S for rail mounting can be expanded with SITOP PSU501S expansion modules (maximum of 3) to extend the buffer time.
от 24.00 до 24.00 V
от 24.70 до 24.70 V
360.00 W
DC (постоян.)
125.00 mm
120.00 mm
125.00 mm
0.05 min
1.00 kg
Оффлайн (off-line)