Автоматический выключатель, 4П, 10А, (C), 10 кА

Siemens Automation
АВТОМАТИЧЕСКИЙ ВЫКЛЮЧАТЕЛЬ Iоткл.ном.=10КА 3+N-ПОЛЮСНЫЙ Iном=10А ТИП ЗАЩИТНОЙ ХАР-КИ=C Uном=400В АС ШИРИНА=1-МОД. УСТ. ГЛУБИНА=70ММ The miniature circuit breaker is the fuse for short-circuit protection. https://www.siemens.com/global/en/home/products/energy/low-voltage/components/sentron-protection-devices/miniature-circuit-breakers.html. Siemens offers a comprehensive portfolio of protection, switching, measuring and monitoring devices, distribution systems as well as switches and sockets for safe and efficient electrical infrastructure in buildings and industry.

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