Контактор; 3П; 3(НО)+3(НЗ); 450А (AC-3); Катушка упр. 220-240 В AC 50/60Гц; Винтовое соединение

Siemens Automation
КОНТАКТОР ТИПОРАЗМЕР14, 3-ПОЛ. AC-3 450КВТ, 400/380V (690V) AUX. SWITCH 33 (3НО+3НЗ) MOUNTED RECTIFIER BRIDGE WITH REVERSING КОНТАКТOR 3TC44 AC OPERATION 220 ДО 240V AC 50/60ГЦ W/O ОГРАНИЧИТЕЛЬ ПЕРЕНАПРЯЖЕНИЯ IN СИЛОВАЯ ЦЕПЬ Vacuum contactor 3TF6 for switching motors. The 3TF6 vacuum contactors offer convincing high performance from a compact design with high contact reliability. They are also characterized by their particularly long switching endurance. They are therefore particularly well suited to frequent switching in inching operation. Pre-installed auxiliary switches reduce the complexity of your design. The devices are approved for worldwide use (e.g. IEC and UL/CSA) and are IE3/IE4-ready. They are available in two sizes, with AC and DC operation, and in a wide performance range. The devices can be connected in the main circuit by means of rails. A wide range of accessories is available for these contactors, such as surge suppressors, auxiliary switches or terminal covers.

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