Автоматический выключатель; 4П; 40А; 150 кА при 400В
ВЫКЛЮЧАТЕЛЬ В ЛИТОМ КОРПУСЕ 3VA2 IEC ТИПОРАЗМЕР 100 КЛАСС ОТКЛ. СПОСОБНОСТИ L ICU=150KA @ 415 В 4-ПОЛЮС., ЗАЩИТА ЛИНИИ ETU350, LSI, IN=40A ЗАЩИТА ОТ ПЕРЕГРУЗКИ IR=16A ...40A ЗАЩИТА ОТ ТОКА КЗ ISD=1,5... 10 X IR, II=12 X IN РЕГУЛИР. ЗАЩИТА НЕЙТРАЛИ(OFF,100%) ШИННОЕ ПРИСОЕДИНЕНИЕ 3VA2 molded-case circuit breaker with 3-series ETU for system protection. As an important element of SENTRON protective components for industrial and infrastructure applications, the 3VA molded-case circuit breakers from Siemens provide effective plant, starter and motor protection thanks to reliable shutdown in the event of an overload or short circuit. The 3VA molded-case circuit breakers set new standards in flexibility and the variety of modular accessories available. Standardized accessories for several sizes across all series of the 3VA1 and 3VA2 molded-case circuit breakers. Key features of this version of the 3VA molded-case circuit breaker: 1. Compact design. 2. Available as version for plant protection and generator protection in line with ETU. 3. Available as 3-pole and 4-pole version. 4. Depending on the size: Rated current 25 A to 630 A. 5. Four breaking capacity classes from 55 kA to 150 kA at 415 V. 6. Can be installed fixed, in plug-in design or as withdrawable version. 7. The series has a solid-state overcurrent trip unit. 8. Modular and easy-to-fit internal accessories with wide range of functions. www.siemens.de/3VA. Siemens offers a comprehensive portfolio of protection, switching, measuring and monitoring devices, distribution systems as well as switches and sockets for safe and efficient electrical infrastructure in buildings and industry.
40.00 A
от 690.00 до 690.00 V
150.00 kA
от 16.00 до 40.00 A
от 60.00 до 400.00 A
от 480.00 до 480.00 A
Винтовое соединение
Выдвижное/выкатное устройство
Передняя сторона
Рычажковый (перекидной рычаг)