Digital monitoring relay Speed monitoring for IO-Link from 0.1...2200 rpm

Siemens Automation
Цифровое реле контроля Устройство контроля скорости вращения для IO-Link 0,1–2200 об/мин Превышение и недостижение Время задержки пуска Время задержки срабатывания Гистерезис от 0,1 до 99 об/мин 1 переключающий контакт, Пружинные клеммы Speed monitoring relay with digital setting SIRIUS 3UG4 for speed monitoring for overshooting and undershooting, e.g. in the event of slip or tear in a belt drive, also suitable for slowly rotating motors. Worldwide use thanks to wide voltage supply range and international certificates. Fast commissioning possible, thanks to menu-guided parameterization and actual value display for limit value determination. The devices features a permanent display of actual value and fault type. 2- or 3-wire sensors and sensors with a mechanical switching output or semiconductor output can be connected Auxiliary voltage for sensor is integrated. Device replacement possible without rewiring, thanks to removable terminals Reliable system diagnostics, thanks to unambiguous error messages on the display and connectable fault memory. In addition to screw terminals, all the devices are also available with spring-type terminals for fast, maintenance-free and vibration-proof connection. They are optionally available with IO-Link. The comprehensive range of accessories, such as unit labeling plates, push-in lugs and cover caps, is standardized for all relays. SIRIUS relays - one range for every application.

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